This is the first post, so I'll say something auspicious like "today begins a new chapter in my experience" or "to all who come to these sentiments, welcome," or perhaps more appropriately, "to all who come to these sentiments, I'm sorry, we don't actually sell trousers" or something like that. I should let it be known that we do not sell trousers, just to avoid confusion from the beginning. This is a blog where we don't sell too much that's useful, or too much in any other direction. If we were trying to be hip, we might say we were doing that to be aticapitalist or something but really, like most people who claim that title, we just don't have anything to sell.
All that to say--Welcome. We are glad to have you. This blog is semi-literary, semi-braingoop, semi-serious (we know that's three halves), fully silly blog about lots of things including but not limited to the limits of reason, time, rubber bands, the apothegms of the Desert Fathers, justice, e-book commerce, Moby Dick (more usually the whale), and occasionally trousers. We make every effort to avoid preachiness and tritehood, but we make no guarantees on either. We make no attempt at consistency or principle, but we do have Peter the Great cutting of beards in the background, so that almost makes up for it.
Thank you for reading this. If you've gotten this far, then you've gotten through the worst of the post and you deserve a pat on the back for sticking it out. Thanks to all and to all a good dinner.
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